1.3 What is not covered in the guide?

Simply put, by using this manual, you can build insight into how to develop a policy advocacy strategy and its supporting communication activities and tools to achieve a feasible objective. The manual is focused on th strategic planning level of an advocacy campaign. Usually, this part of the process is not given nearly enough time or focus by advocates and capacity developers, an oversight that is at the core of why many advocacy campaigns fail.

This guide does not cover the many areas that fall outside the focus of strategic planning. First, the skills or knowledge necessary to develop the policy insights that are the foundation of a campaign are beyond the scope of this manual, that is, policy research design, data collection and analysis, and policy writing in all its forms. Although you choose what communication tools you will need, we don’t provide an in-depth focus on the specifics of policy studies, briefs, or policy presentations.

Second, there is little focus on how to plan the implementation of the strategy -- that is, who should do what and when -- or on budgets and evaluation. We believe that the target audiences for this guide are already adept in this kind of project implementation or action planning and that other manuals adequately cover such project management skills.

Finally, although we make reference to them, we do not focus on the range of skills that are often needed in the advocacy process, for example, presentation, negotiation, coalition building, leadership, and team management. Again, we consider that these skills have been widely covered in many other resources, courses, and training programs.